Carol Prieto


Carol Prieto has lived in Evanston since 1975. She has been deeply involved in Evanston’s institutions, including the public schools and PTAs (at Washington, Chute, and ETHS). She has been a board member of the Junior League of Evanston, a trustee of the Evanston Historical Society, and has done research for Evanston’s Preservation Commission, going house-to-house to find and develop information to use in determining which houses have historical or architectural significance.

She was a trustee at the Evanston Art Center (when it was located in the Harley Clarke house) for many years, serving in several different board positions. She worked on the EAC’s annual Art Auction Fundraiser, and, along with a co-board member, organized the food and drink for the event. 

Ms. Prieto has been a Realtor for twenty-eight years. As a result, she has been in many homes in Evanston and elsewhere. Her interests are art, history, architecture, and schools. Her volunteer work has followed her interests because she loves these subjects, wants to learn as much as she can about them, and enjoys working to preserve and encourage the arts and humanities. Real estate has enabled her to grow even more in these areas and acquire a lot more knowledge (which certainly helps when selling a home).