Our Staff

  • Killian Fowler


    K. R. Fowler, Program Assistant, has worked throughout the art world, wearing many hats as an administrator, curator, preparator, and art devotee. They join ABH after having worked as Assistant Director and then Interim Director of Art at Epiphany Center for the Arts.

Our Board

  • Audrey Niffenegger


    Audrey Niffenegger is an internationally known author and artist. A founder of the Columbia College Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts (CCCBPA), she taught printing, creative writing, and visual narrative as a professor in its MFA program for many years.

  • Kenneth Gerleve


    Co-founding board member Kenneth Gerleve is a visual artist and designer who has exhibited works in Chicago and New York City. He earned his MFA in Interdisciplinary Book and Paper Arts from CCCBPA.

  • Eileen Madden


    Eileen Madden is an avid artists’ book collector, and a curator of several book arts shows. After taking classes in the CCCBPA community program, she opened a letterpress print shop. She has served on many boards, including the Caxton Club, Transit Residency, and StoryStudio Chicago’s Advisory Board.

  • Eileen Pollard


    Eileen Pollard is an accountant for Chicago Women in Trades, a nonprofit organization that trains women for entry into the skilled construction trade unions and enacts policy and advocacy work aimed at changing legislation. She has served as their Board Treasurer for eight years.

  • Hannah Batsel

    Hannah Batsel is an in-demand book artist, writer, and illustrator with an MFA in Printmaking and Book Arts from CCCBPA. Her handmade work can be found in library and museum collections, and her mass-market picture books are found wherever books are sold.

  • Juliet Bond

    Juliet C. Bond, LCSW, is a master at creating opportunities for growth between and among individuals, first as a Director of Development and now as a therapist. She is the author of plays, children’s books, and a YA series. Her writing guides schools and counselors nationwide. Ms. Bond has received multiple awards for her extensive volunteer leadership.

  • Melissa Jay Craig

    Melissa Jay Craig is a sculptor, book, and installation artist whose primary medium is handmade paper. For 15 years, she managed exhibitions at CCCBPA and taught in the Interdisciplinary Arts Department’s MFA program. Her work is included in museum, rare book, print and artists’ book collections throughout the United States.

  • Tom Greensfelder

    Tom Greensfelder is founder of Greensfelder Design, where he has served clients from cartoonists Nichole Hollander and Lynda Barry to myriad arts organizations. He has taught at SAIC, Loyola University, and the Newberry Library and served on boards including Artists Book Works, CCCBPA, Chicago Calligraphy Collective, and, for 17 years, Teatro Vista (Chicago’s only equity Latino theater company).

  • Riva Khoshaba Parker

    Riva Khoshaba Parker is Vice President, Labor & Employment / Litigation for Airlines of America. Previously she was the Chief, Labor Counselor & Litigation for the Office of the Judge Advocate General at the Pentagon. Ms. Parker holds a JD from Yale Law School and a BA from the University of Chicago. She is fluent in Assyrian.

  • Carol Prieto


    Carol Prieto has been a realtor for over 30 years and has so many real estate “stories,” she could write a book. A trustee at the Evanston Historical Society and the Evanston Art Center for many years, Ms. Prieto continues to work to preserve and encourage the arts and humanities.

  • Jeff Rosen


    Jeff Rosen is Vice President for Accreditation Relations and Director of the Open Pathway at the Higher Learning Commission, the largest regional accreditor in the United States. A former professor of art history at Columbia College Chicago, he worked as an academic dean at multiple research universities in Chicago, including Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, and Loyola University Chicago.

  • Todd Summar

    Todd Summar is a writer, editor, and marketing professional. His work can be seen in Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, Literary Hub, the Chicago Review of Books, and elsewhere. He is the founding editor of Goreyesque, a freelance editor, and a former instructor in the English Department at Columbia College Chicago as well as StoryStudio Chicago. He has an MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia College Chicago, and has worked in marketing and PR for over 23 years.